Helping Win Hearts & Minds on
the Battlefields of Online Media

Our Review Services

    Review HELPER will:

    • MONITOR the sites that matter
    • RESPOND to negative (& positive) reviews and postings
    • GENERATE NEW customer reviews
    • MANAGE your entire reviews program

    Get the Great Reviews
    You Deserve, and
    Don't Let Bad Reviews
    Go Unanswered.

    What people read about you on review sites and social media really does matter—especially when your competitors are just a mouse click away. We can help:

    Reviewbusters Review Response
    If someone puts a negative review on your Yelp page, or Facebook page, or Google+ page, or Amazon product page, or a blog, we'll write a powerful response and neutralize it. We may be able to turn it into a marketing opportunity! This is true even if it's a seemingly devastating attack. ...LEARN MORE

    Review BUILDER
    It's important to have reviews in numerous directories, both because propective customers read them, and they're an important search engine ranking factor. Our Review BUILDER is an informed, responsible vehicle for taking a pro-active approach to generate high-quality reviews from your customers that you deserve—to promote both your reputation and search marketing goals. ...LEARN MORE

    Free Evaluation
    We're happy to evaluate your situation at no charge and get back to you with our assessment and tell you what we can do to help. Please give us enough information so we can hunt down everything we need to. And tell us what you'd like to achieve. (Your information will be treated with strict confidentiality.)

    Other Services
    Reputation Management
    When people search your company name or the name of a senior executive, do they see highly negative, damaging results near the top of the SERP? We may be able to bury these negative results on the SERP—ideally off of Page 1—by elevating other web pages (both existing and new) above them. Links are the key factor in search engine rankings. With our own network of some 50 websites that are 12 years old and trusted by search engines, we can add relevant content and deliver links with high-reputation value. Having this asset is why we are so effective at reputation management with search results....LEARN MORE

    Local SEO
    In our local SEO section, we show the results of an annual survey of local SEO pros as to what is most important—e.g., on-page factors are 20.3 percent, links are 20 percent, citations are 13.5 percent and reviews are 8.4 percent. We offer services that address each major group of factors: on-page optimization, link building, external location signals (i.e., web directories/citations), Google My Business, and reviews acquisition. Our strategy for clients is to Own the SERP! with multiple brand mentions on page 1 for your most important keywords. ...LEARN MORE

    Search Marketing
    We've been doing pay-pay-click advertising (PPC) for 15 years. We know most of the costly pitfalls, and are adept at squeezing maximum value out of PPC programs to deliver a positive ROI. We like to track and measure as much as possible—even if it's just tracking the visitation of a key page—so we can qualify the site visitors you pay for in some way. We prefer to use phone call conversion tracking, especially when you sell services and do not use a shopping cart. To improve ROI, we also like to have special landing pages and to be constantly running A/B testing. ...LEARN MORE

    Public Relations, Customer Experience & Consulting
    We provide other services under the umbrellas of public relations, brand reputation and online marketing.

    For example we do crisis preparedness plans, and then implement them as necessary. In the online world, this involves social media outreach.

    We're highly experienced in communications training, and can train executives for speaking with the media, or making presentations at conferences. We also do customized trainings for specific needs, e.g., negotiation preparation, testimony training, and trade show exhibit sales training.

    As professional writers, we're good at producing content for websites and social media sites. And when we use our Review BUILDER service, we can leverage customer interviews to create long-form testimonials and case studies, which make great content for social media pages.

    The customer experience is central to our focus on online reviews and other consumer feedback vehicles, because that's where it all starts. We offer a Best Practices consulting product whereby we audit your customer-experience process and interview staff and customers, and then provide recommendations to improve the customer experience and minimize negative feedback on public websites. We can also set up an online survey for customers to take at your premises or quickly after their experience, to identify problems and nip negative critiques in the bud before they're produced.

    If you're building a website, and especially if you're redesigning an existing one, we offer a Best Practices consulting product with recommendations to be used in creating the project guidelines or RFP for the web developer. This is important to ensure good usability, and that the site is optimized from a search-engine-ranking perspective.

    To LEARN MORE, please Tell Us About Your Business and we'll schedule a phone meeting.